Stan Lee meninggal dunia pada Senin, 12 November 2018. Pencipta karakter superhero Marvel dan penulis ini menutup usia pada umur 95 tahun. Stan Lee membuat komik untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1941 tentang Captain America.
Pada tahun 1960, Stan Lee mendirikan Marvel Comics yang memperkenalkan penokohan lebih lengkap dari superhero. Bekerja sama dengan beberapa seniman, termasuk Jack Kirby dan Steve Ditko, ia menciptakan karakter Spider-Man, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, Daredevil, Thor, X-Men, dan masih banyak lainnya. Simak delapan quotes Stan Lee yang memorable di bawah ini!
Simak 8 Memorable Quotes Stan Lee

Foto: Entertainment Weekly
“You know, my motto is ‘Excelsior.’ That’s an old word that means ‘upward and onward to greater glory.’ It’s on the seal of the state of New York. Keep moving forward, and if it’s time to go, it’s time. Nothing lasts forever.” – Stan Lee, Playboy
“Life is never completely without its challenges.” – Stan Lee, Playboy
“I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic-book writer while other people were building bridges or going on to medical careers. And then I began to realize: entertainment is one of the most important things in people’s lives. Without it they might go off the deep end. I feel that if you’re able to entertain people, you’re doing a good thing.” – Stan Lee, The Washington Post
Selamat jalan Stan Lee, penulis komik Marvel ini menutup usia di umur 95 tahun. #RIPStanLee pic.twitter.com/MdAjHpqhQx
— ApaBedanya.com (@apabedanyacom) November 13, 2018
“[Being a ‘geek’] has become a badge of honor. It’s geeks who really make or break a TV show or movie or video game. They’re the ones who are passionate about these things and who collect [the paraphernalia] and talk about them. A geek is really somebody interested in communication and entertainment and [finding] the best way to avail himself or herself to it..” – Stan Lee, The Washington Post.
“I wanted them to be diverse. The whole underlying principle of the X-Men was to try to be an anti-bigotry story to show there’s good in every person.” – Stan Lee, Comicbook.com.
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“The more you read, the better you’re going to become as a storyteller.” – Stan Lee, IGN.com.
“If there are people who like the work you’ve done, because of that, they like you and want your autograph and to take a photo, that’s really gratifying. You have to be appreciative.” – Stan Lee, USA Today
“Most people say, “I can’t wait to retire so I can play golf,” or go yachting or whatever they do. Well, if I was playing golf, I would want that to finish so I could go and dream up a new TV show.” – Stan Lee, TheArtsDesk.com
Selamat jalan, Stan Lee
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